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Welcome 5
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First Time Visit?

Thank you for considering a visit to Grace Bible Church!  Whether you are looking for a place to worship for one Sunday, or you are looking for a new church family to walk with you as you grow in your relationship with Jesus, we want you to feel at home when you walk through our doors.  Here are a few things for you to know as you prepare for your first visit.

Regardless of your age, church background, or even where you are in life at this moment…you are welcome at Grace!  Our Sunday mornings begin with a Sunday School hour at 9:30 am, followed by a Worship Service at 10:45 am.  Bring your family or bring a  friend and join us for a time to worship and learn about our walk with Jesus together.

When you enter the Community Building, you will find a relaxing atmosphere where you can sit in a row of chairs or around a table with family and friends, engage in conversation, meet new people, and enjoy interacting with a family of believers.  Dress as you feel comfortable.  Jeans, dress, polo, suit…you will find it all at Grace.  We want you to be you!

Like coffee? So do we!  On your way in be sure and stop by the snack table and fix yourself a cup of coffee.  Don’t like it black?  We have lots of flavors and additives to sweeten it up for you!  While your at it, check out the selection of freshly made homemade snacks that are on the table as well.

We believe one of the greatest joys of being part of the Body of Christ is when we get to join together as a family and sing praises to our God!  Our worship team leads us into the presence of God with a variety of songs that turn our hearts to connect with His.

Finally, you will hear a message from Pastor Don that speaks the heart of God into our lives.  He will bring the words of scripture into a new light that will encourage and challenge you in your walk with Jesus as he points us to an understanding of the fullness of Grace and Truth.

Have questions?  Send us a message!