Missions Update: Barker October 2022

Update from Jabe and Elena Barker

October 27, 2022

Dear Friends and ministry partners,

We understand and apologize that some of Marilee Barker’s (Jabe’s mother) supporters and friends were not informed of her passing.

Marilee peacefully went to be with the Lord very early on the morning of March 15, 2022 at the age of 94. She and Dad (Jared Sr.) had moved into our home at King’s College of Isulan back around 2012(?). Jabe’s brother John and his wife were her care givers for the last few months as she became less mobile and needed more help. Mom had expressed her wish to all of us that if possible she not be embalmed. The Lord graciously took her home early on a day when the local municipal officials could quickly issue the necessary burial requirements. Her graveside service that same afternoon was put together and attended by the PEEI staff and family friends who could come on short notice. Around 100 people were able to be there and several testified to how the Lord had used Mom (and Dad) to be a blessing during their 60+ years of ministry. We want to thank all of you who prayed for and encouraged Marilee and Jared and otherwise participated in the task the Lord gave them here in the southern Philippines. Know that your service to the Lord through them was not in vain and the Lord faithfully continues to raise up those through whom he will complete his work.

Elena is active but struggling to regain her strength and energy since her double mastectomy in April. Together we’ve added about 20 lbs of fresh raw carrots to our diet each week which we run through a juicer along with other fruits and vegetables. It taste real good and so far we haven’t turned orange!

We thank the Lord for allowing us to resume face to face full time classes in the three King’s schools as well as with the the Team Ministry Team bible classes on many public high school campuses. Before the new school year started in August, all 90 PEEI staff gathered at King’s College of Isulan for opening conference and a 3 day workshop conducted by 19 staff from Campus Bible Fellowship. They lectured on the “Biblical Gospel” and how to effectively share it and disciple students. Three of our staff were baptized at the end of the conference.

Within the last 3 weeks we’ve held 5 days of evangelistic convocations at each of the King’s schools. Praise God for the many students who responded to the Gospel and are now trusting in Christ alone for salvation. Thank you for praying.

We are thankful for the opportunity I (Jabe) had to speak (for a second time since September) to a group of 40+ college students at a nearby university. The given topic was “Don’t waste your life!” They appeared to be paying close attention. We trust the Lord will continue to convict their hearts that knowing Jesus is the supreme treasure – the only one worth living our lives for! (Luke 9:23-26; 1John 2:15-17)

We ask for prayer to keep up with increasing government monitoring and reporting in almost all departments that we deal with as a school and mission organization. It seems like we are so busy complying with government paper work that we don’t have enough time left to actually run a school and educate students. The Lord knows this need- please pray with us to find his answer. Please pray for clear thinking, strength, patience and focus for Elena and her staff.

We have several precast panel construction projects within PEEI (including teaching staff housing) that we feel need to be done ASAP. Please pray that the Lord would order our steps and raise up administrative and/or technically skilled help so that we would be able to catch up with these and many other tasks.

Thank you for your prayer and encouragement. We thank the Lord for your love for him and partnership in his work!

For Christ’s honor and glory,

Jabe and Elena Barker

Posted in Missions.